Membership Levels
Free Trial
30 day free trial period prevention silver
*Expires after 1 month*
Initial Payment: FREE
Subscription Pricing: $39/month
Prevention Silver
Services include access to our telehealth/telemedicine portal:
- Health Care Pulse E-Magazine monthly subscription
- Prevention and Wellness unlimited screening at our wellness workshops
- Wellness Electronic Medical Records (WMR)
- ** 1 Nurse (CTP) or doctor consultation over the Telehealth/Telemedicine portal. **
- 4 annual access to our wellness live webinars
- 4 annual access to our Fitness Training class
- Kiosk Card and Access
**This service only available after 90 day membership**
Initial Payment: $39
Subscription Pricing: $39/month
Prevention Gold
Services include access to our telehealth/telemedicine portal:
- Health Care Pulse E-Magazine monthly subscription
- Prevention and Wellness unlimited screening at our wellness workshops
- Wellness Electronic Medical Records (WMR)
- 8 Nurses (CTP) and 1 doctor consultation (by appointment) via Telehealth/Telemedicine portal. **
- 8 Access to our wellness live webinars
- Pod cast recordings of our wellness workshops
- Telehealth Devices including installation and technical support ( MD orders/or insurance may apply)
- 8 Annual access to our Fitness Training class
- Kiosk Card and Access or Individual Home Units
* Devices include Blood Pressure Machine, Scale, Pulse Ox, Glucose Machine ( strips cost not included) credit card deposit for devices required and returned once equipment is returned.
Initial Payment: $59
Subscription Pricing: $59/month
Prevention Platinum
Services include access to our telehealth/telemedicine portal:
- Health Care Pulse E-Magazine monthly subscription
- Prevention and Wellness unlimited screening at our wellness workshops
- Wellness Electronic Medical Records (WMR)
- Unlimited nurse (CTP) and 4 doctor consultation over the Telehealth/Telemedicine portal. **
- Unlimited access to our wellness live webinars
- Pod cast recordings of our wellness workshops
- Telehealth Devices including installation and technical support( MD orders/or insurance may apply)
- Unlimited Fitness Training class
- Kiosk Card and Access or Individual Home Units
- Home Health Care Consultation
* Devices include Blood Pressure Machine, Scale, Pulse Ox, Glucose Machine ( strips cost not included) credit card deposit for devices required and returned once equipment is returned.
Initial Payment: $89
Subscription Pricing: $89/month
Corporate or Congregational membership group rate for executives and vital staff members who need to always stay at the top of their game call 1-888-515-AHCP (2427) for rates.